What's new on Yooppe?

What's new on Yooppe?

We are working to improve the user experience and make it as comprehensive as possible. Currently, the changes are only active on our app, so if you haven't already, download it now to access the new content!

What if I purchased a subscription through the app and now want to use the website? If you are using the app, you have already had the opportunity to access and experience all the innovations introduced with the update. For this reason, you won't be able to use the website, as you already have the chance to enjoy a unique experience with the latest version of the app. This version includes many new features to discover, all designed to enhance your experience.

We will soon update the website as well, but until then, we encourage you to use only the app. If you need more information about the new updates or are experiencing usage problems, please contact our customer care.

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